Team Address
It’s hard to overstate just how much Bud Billiard means to the Brooke High School football program, and one morning last year, he proved that his guidance is as valuable as ever. The former coach, who lead the Bruins to three West Virginia Class AAA state championships and secured two perfect, nationally-ranked seasons during his tenure, took time out of his day to impart some wisdom before the current generation took to the field.
His words, given before the school dedicated its field in Bud’s name, were not unlike what he might have told his own team all those years ago in the hours leading up to a big game. His passion for the sport has clearly not waned. Bud spoke of the ups and downs that accompanied his coaching career, reminiscing about the scent of a freshly cut field and the successes and defeats that shaped his time with Brooke football. But most of all, the coach expressed just how much the players in his charge meant to him.
“In a little while we’re going to go down to the field, and I guess they’re going to name the field after me, which is nice. Do I deserve it? I don’t know,” he said. “I never worried about that. Of everybody sitting here, and everybody in this room, and everybody in this school, and everybody in Brooke County, I never worried about anybody but you. You were my interest, and only you were going to get my undivided attention.”
For the full video, see below.