Naming of the Field
When Bud Billiard woke up one August morning earlier this year, one thought weighed on his mind — “It’s game day.” The former Brooke High School football coach would attend his team’s home opener that evening, as he’d done so many times before, but this particular night held something a little more special within it. Prior to kickoff, Paul “Bud” Billiard Field was officially christened with its namesake in attendance, marking the legendary achievements Bud conquered over his years spent leading the Bruins to victory after victory.
As his friends, family, and community looked on, Bud stepped onto the field where he long ago established a larger-than-life presence by leading the Bruins to three West Virginia Class AAA state championships, and securing two perfect, nationally-ranked seasons. Bud’s no stranger to recognition — he’s been named the OVAC and West Virginia Coach of the Year in years past, and even holds a space in the Ohio Valley Football Coaches Hall Of Fame. But on this day, Bud’s name would grace the very field upon which the players would tirelessly compete, and memories of his legacy were on everyone’s minds. “This feeling is something that’s indescribable,” he told the crowd. “To see these kids out here that made us what we are is incredible.”
His words of appreciation would serve as inspiration to the team as they hit the grass that evening against rival Wheeling Park, and for the rest of what would prove to be a challenging season. “You are, and always will be, the pride of Brooke County,” Bud told both current and former Brooke students. “You made all this possible. You were beautiful. This includes every student manager, trainer, statistician, [and] student secretary that played a major role in our program. I’ve told you this before — I love you.”
For the full speech, click the video below.