Brooke Holiday Classic
There’s nothing quite like a good old-fashioned basketball tournament, and the Brooke Holiday Classic brings the competition out in spades. The event, which tends to bring teams in from all over the neighboring states of Ohio and Pennsylvania, doesn’t just serve as a great kickoff to basketball season for participating players. It also helps bring in funds for boosters, raise overall excitement for Brooke’s basketball program, and foster lasting relationships between schools.
“Especially around the holidays, a lot of people are in town, a lot of people want to come back and see a game. If you don’t have an event, a lot of times it’s hit or miss whether you can or not,” Brooke Athletic Director Sean Blumette says. “But we know between Christmas and New Year’s, we’re going to have a boys’ holiday tournament, and we’re really looking forward to getting people to come back out and see some good basketball.”
For the full video, see below.

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